Transgender Policy Proposal

Saline new Transgender Policy summary  (more in fully policy)
This will be up for the first reading and board discussion on Sept 28th. Possible vote on Oct 12th 2021. If you have any opinions or objections it is critical to email immediately.

  1. Will follow current federal title IX definitions and guidelines
  2. Scope- all students, buildings, busses, activities, and electronic communication on schools owned computers, networks, email lists etc
  3. Discrimination, bullying, and harassment on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, or gender identity or expression is prohibited
  4. Includes  bullying due to family members or group they are associated with
  5. School staff shall not disclose any information that may reveal their transgender status to anyone with out students authorization, unless required to by law.
  6. Students have the right to express their identity when, with whom, and what private information to share
  7. Designated Spokesperson for all parents or media
  8. Recommended that staff privately ask students how they want to be addressed (does not prohibit Teachers from asking students to say their pronouns out loud)
  9. Students can request name changes on school records
  10. Students shall have access to facilities that correspond to their gender identity ( bathroom, locker rooms, changing facilities)
  11. Any student uncomfortable with a shared gender-segregated facility may request a non stigmatizing alternative.
  12. Physical Education and intramural sports in a manner consistent with their gender Identity
  13. According to the Saline’ compass of “becoming an ethical and responsible citizen”, students need to see beyond themselves.  Research show that LGBTQ students who attend curriculum that is inclusive of LGBTQ+ people, history, and events experience a better school climate and improved academic outcomes.  ( Basically encouraging teachers to teach more LGBTQ in the classrooms- picture books like I am Jazz, George, and other little things slipped in )
  14. Dress code may not be based on Gender
  15. School must accept the gender identity the student asserts.
  16. All staff members MUST take professional training to learn their responsibilities.  The content SHALL include 
    Terms, concepts, and current developmental understandings
    Developmentally appropriate strategies for communication with students and parents
    Classroom-management practices, curriculum, and resources  to foster a more gender-inclusive environment for all students
    Developmentally appropriate strategies regarding bullying, harassment, and discrimination and suicide prevention.
  17. The policy will be distributed annually to all students, parents, and staff

My opinion:

Here are some things I find most concerning- highlighted in yellow in the pictures below. If you have similar concerns please email

  • 5 (Privacy/Confidentiality)- Limits parents right concerning the information of their child.
  • 8 (Names, Pronouns, and School Records)- Does not limit the school of how or when they can ask my child to say or give their pronouns. I.e. Can a teacher ask my child to say their pronouns out load as an introduction to classmates? Assures parents that their will not be any consequences for denying pronouns ( grade or verbally)
  • 10(Access to Gender-Segregated Activities and Facilities) – Does not have safety protocols in place before implementation
  • 12 (Physical Education Classes and Athletics)- Contradicts current sports policy. Will need to change one of these policies.
  • 13 (Other Policies and Practices)- Gives permission for any teacher to teach anything they want so that “ others can see themselves” in curriculum. That means more subjects like English, History, etc will have materials that fall under the “controversial policy” without parent notification. This is intended to “Normalize” LGBTQ culture and ideals in our kids.
  • 16(Professional Training)- The policy forces specific ideals for professional development. The policy should use words like “May include” instead of “Shall include”.