Official Complaint for “I am Jazz”

Despite the 1600 strong petition and nearly 20% of the elementary school children boycotting the reading – most by keeping their children out of school – the district has continued to roll out transgender changes to the curriculum, and not recognizing parental rights.

There are two things you can do right now to amplify your voice:
1. Attend the Tuesday, May 14th, 6:30pm Board of Education meeting at Liberty School,
Every body counts, and while you can speak for up to three minutes during public comment periods, just being present and supporting those who do speak will have an enormous impact.  If we can fill the room they will have very visible evidence of the will of the community. When speaking, please be respectful and kind, we are standing up for our rights and don’t need to attack others to do so. Whether you attend or not, you can also email the board at , and ask them to adopt the recommendations below or anything else you’d like them to consider or know about why you oppose these curriculum changes.

2. If you have a k-5 child in Saline Schools and want to participate in an official complaint, per Michigan state law, please email your name, school your child attends, and mailing address to by this Tuesday, May 7th. The complaint and the two recommendations being made to the board are listed below. 


PLEASE NOTE: The sexual education advisory board is already evaluating new comprehensive sexual education curriculum which refers students to Planned Parenthood sexual health resources and starts sexual education in kindergarten rather than 4th grade, among other significant changes.

Please sign up to the mailing list at for this and other information about curriculum changes even outside the sexual education curriculum.