It is the natural, fundamental right of parents and legal guardians to determine and direct the care, teaching, and education of their children. -Michigan School Code Section 380.10
As parents in the Saline School district, we are concerned about the appropriateness of certain topics introduced to young children and want to empower parents to be able to direct their own child’s education. These include the failed Planned Parenthood curriculum attempt in 2012 and 2017, the I Am Jazz elementary reading in 2018, the George reading in 2019, the issue of Locker Room privacy in 2019, and now the 3 yr curriculum plan.
Our main motivational belief is that school teachers and administrators should respect that parents have the primary authority and responsibility for their children’s education and health, including current social issues.

We want to help parents connect with other parents in the district who may have similar concerns and encourage them to reach out to the teachers and admin when situations arise contradictory to their beliefs.
Schools should also communicate clearly, in a timely manner, and consider community input before planning lessons about controversial social topics.
Finally, we believe that school teachers and administrators should not use advocacy groups as sources of scientific information or teaching materials.

Let your voice be heard! Together we create a powerful online community and are able to respond with a clear and unified voice when crisis arises. Rest assured that we take privacy seriously and never share emails or names of community supporters. We welcome you to join our network of Saline parents and community members!
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